Neelu Sharma, PrincipalSharan Sindhu

Junior Headmistress’s Message

‘Education is a shared commitment between dedicated teachers, motivated students and enthusiastic parents with high expectations’

“Inspire- Innovate- Success” are the guiding words as we build the foundation in Junior School. We are committed to educating a generation of young people to become ethical, global citizens and thinkers. With interactive and hands on learning experiences and an enriching student-teacher relationship, we develop the love of learning, making it as effortless as we can. Junior School years are like a kaleidoscope of myriad experiences, where textbooks are complemented with activities, hands on learning, discussions, presentations, plays and much more. We aim to not only impart the necessary academic skills, but to help our children grow up to be happy enthusiastic and confident boys and girls, with lasting bonds of friendship.

We strongly believe in providing a happy and engaging environment, ensuring cheerful and fruitful years in Junior School.

Sharan Sindhu
Junior Headmistress’s Message